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What is dana? 

Dana (pronounced “DAH-nuh”) is often translated from the Pali to mean gift, or generosity.  Dana is considered to be one of the highest Buddhist virtues and is a spiritual practice in itself. To practice dana is to donate money, time or other resources to the teachers of the teachings and the groups that provide opportunities to learn and practice.

By giving of our money, time or other resources, we acknowledge the interconnectedness of all beings. Dana is a gratitude and heart practice that promote warmth, connection and love.

Why donations instead of tickets?

Traditionally, in the East, the teachings of the Buddha were considered priceless. Monks in the community were forbidden to even touch coins. Monks shared their teaching and caregiving freely and in turn were fed and housed through the donations of the householders. As teachers brought the dharma (teachings) to the West, the tradition of dana has been kept and treasured as a meaningful and beneficial practice.

Edmonton Insight Meditation (EIM) offers its programs to the community (sangha) on the basis of dana. The teachers we invite also generally teach on the dana basis. EIM is a registered not-for-profit society and all funds collected are either passed on to our teachers as dana or returned to the organization to be used for future programming.

Everyone is welcome

EIM is committed to inclusion and works very hard to ensure our events are accessible to everyone regardless of income.We ask those with more resources to donate generously and those with fewer resources to contribute in ways that don’t hurt their well-being.

When you donate money to EIM you are making it possible for others to share in the teachings and community in the future. Donating to EIM is a way to “pay it forward” so others may share in the merits of your practice.

How much is the right amount?

If you are struggling with how much to donate, consider your own needs and circumstances as well as your desire to share and be generous. Donating your rent money leaving you homeless would not be a compassionate or wise act. Consider how you spend your money elsewhere and to evaluate how important the teachings and the community is to you. Experiment - notice how you feel when you give very generously, notice how you feel when your donation is more modest. EIM welcomes donations from $1 to $10,000. Dana is one important way you can gain insight into your grasping and clinging mind and a loving way to join in the efforts for peace, equity and freedom for all beings.

Further reading:


