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Creating a Generous, Safe, and Peaceful World One Person at a Time

Weekend insight meditation retreat with Howard Cohn

Register soon because space is limited: Tickets available HERE.

Dates and times:

Friday, September 6th, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. (Please arrive 30 to 45 minutes early to register and settle into a spot)

Saturday, September 7th, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Sunday, September 8th, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Venue: Cloverdale Community League, 9411 97th Ave, Edmonton, AB: View Map

Description: Join us for a retreat to discover "Creating a generous, safe and peaceful world one person at a time." Creating a generous, safe, and peaceful world requires generous, safe, and peaceful people. This retreat will deepen your understanding of how generosity and the cycle of giving and receiving promote inner tranquility, happiness, and communal support. A generous, safe, and peaceful world cannot be imposed; it must start within each of us. Because we are deeply interdependent, developing our hearts benefits others. As we end war and selfishness in our own minds, we help the world.

Immerse yourself in the simple yet profound practice of Vipassana Meditation, also known as Insight or Mindfulness practice, under the skilled guidance of Howard Cohn. Rooted in the Theravada tradition of the Buddha's teachings, Vipassana invites us to explore our mind and body processes with calm, focused awareness in each moment. Learning to observe experience from a place of stillness enables one to relate to life with less fear and more joy.

This non-residential retreat is suitable for all, from beginners curious about meditation to experienced practitioners looking to deepen their practice. The retreat will alternate between sitting and walking meditation sessions, offering variety and space to apply mindfulness in different contexts.

Vipassana (Mindfulness or Insight) meditation Is a simple and direct practice - the moment-to-moment investigation of the mind / body process through calm and focused awareness. The practice originates in the Theravada tradition of the teachings of the Buddha. Learning to observe experience from a place of stillness enables one to relate to life with less fear and greater emotional resiliency and curiosity. As we open our dharma heart, we create a refuge for both inner and outer harmony and greet each moment with friendliness.

The program will include dharma talks and practice guidance, periods of still and movement meditation, as well as small and large group discussions. Suitable for all levels of meditators, from beginners to experienced.

What to expect: During this silent weekend retreat, periods of still sitting and walking/mindful movement meditation will alternate with meditation instruction and dharma talks. Retreatants will have opportunities to ask questions and participate in small group discussions. Otherwise, we will observe noble silence during the retreat.

About the teacher: Howard Cohn is a founding teacher of Spirit Rock Meditation Center in the San Francisco Bay area. He has guided a local sitting group in San Francisco, been in private practice as a psychotherapist and led Vipassana retreats worldwide since 1985. He incorporates the influences of Theravada, Zen, Tibetan Dzogchen and Advaita Vedanta in his teaching, with an emphasis on reawakening our intrinsic freedom. Among his many teachers and mentors are Jack Kornfield, Joseph Goldstein, U Pandita Sayadaw, Tulku Urgyen Rimpoche, Tsoknyi Rimpoche, and the Advaita Vedanta Master H.W.L. Poonja.

Registration: This year, we are embracing the theme of generosity by ensuring the retreat is truly "Freely Offered." The costs of the hall, lunches, teacher, and teachings have all been paid forward by previous participants. This does not mean that there is no cost to host the retreat: we have approximately $7,000 in expenses. Should you choose, you can help push the wheel of dharma forward by contributing to cover these costs for the next retreat through the practice of Dana at the retreat. Each participant will experience the generosity of those who came before and understand that their generosity will enable future retreats.

Registration is now open at the link above.

Dana for teachers: According to tradition, teachings are offered freely. Students are invited to practice dana, or generosity, by giving to their teacher what they feel is appropriate and affordable. Your financial support enables teachers such as Howard Cohn to continue sharing their insights and providing guidance to many.

Food options: There will be tea, coffee, and water available throughout the day for retreatants. With the offering from our previous retreat, we will provide a catered vegan lunch at no additional cost. If you wish to have a lunch provided, please register for it in advance. You may also choose to bring your own lunch, which can be stored in a fridge on one of the main floor kitchenettes and consumed in designated eating areas. Please inform us of any gluten or other dietary allergies when you register for the lunches to ensure we can accommodate your needs.

Accommodation: This is non residential retreat. You may find suitable Airbnb or hotel stays near the Cloverdale Community League should you be arriving from out of town.

Transportation: If you are driving to the retreat, please consider car-pooling for the sake of this planet. Parking on-site is free but limited.

More details: Registration packages with more details, including what to bring, will be sent out closer to the retreat. Please check the frequently asked questions. If you would like more information about anything, you are also welcome to contact the retreat manager at