
Spiritual Friendship (Kalyana Mitta)

Jeanne Corrigal - November 19th, 2023

In this Saturday morning Dharma talk we explore Spiritual Friendship (kalyana mitta). Gil Fronsdal says this about Spiritual Friendship: "An important part of the interpersonal aspect of Buddhist practice is having spiritual friendships. The Buddha emphasized this when he said that the precursor for the Eightfold Path is having good spiritual friends. These are the people with whom we share the practice and who support us in the practice. Our mindfulness can be seen more clearly if we are around mindful people."

Further resources related to spiritual friendship can be found HERE.

Opening to the Light: Celebrating the Winter Solstice

Robert Beatty - December 17th, 2023

Please join us as we honour this reflective, dark time of year and prepare to embrace the return of the light. A well-loved EMI guest teacher, Beatty, weaves a Metta heart approach with concentration and mindfulness to include all aspects of our life’s journey: light/dark, happy/sad, sickness/health, success/failure. As we open to the dark pole of our journey, we move towards the cessation of dukka (suffering) and the sweet heart’s release.

Further resources related to “Opening to the Light” can be found HERE.

Anicca (Impermanence)

Kristina Bare - January 21, 2023

We will begin the first three months of 2023 with a mini-series: The Three Characteristics of Existence, which are Anicca (Impermanence), Dukkha (Suffering), and Anatta (Selflessness).

Further resources related to Anicca can be found HERE.

Dukkha (Suffering)

Kristina Bare - February 18, 2023

We will begin the first three months of 2023 with a mini-series: The Three Characteristics of Existence, which are Anicca (Impermanence), Dukkha (Suffering), and Anatta (Selflessness).

Further resources related to Dukkha can be found HERE.

Anatta (Selflessness)

Kristina Bare - March 18, 2023

We will begin the first three months of 2023 with a mini-series: The Three Characteristics of Existence, which are Anicca (Impermanence), Dukkha (Suffering), and Anatta (Selflessness).

Further resources related to Anatta can be found HERE.

Kristina Baré Friday Dharma Talk: Connecting with Nature in Our Body and Environment Retreat

Kristina Baré presented this talk on Friday, May 27th, 2022 as part of the Connecting with Nature in Our Body and Environment three day meditation retreat.

Kristina Baré Saturday Dharma Talk: Connecting with Nature in Our Body and Environment Retreat

Kristina Baré presented this talk on Saturday, May 28th, 2022 as part of the Connecting with Nature in Our Body and Environment three day meditation retreat.

Mindfulness of Feeling Tones and Mind States with Kristina Baré

This month, Kristina Baré will facilitate our exploration of the second and third foundations of mindfulness - mindfulness of feeling tones (vedana) and mind states (citta). The aim of this practice session is to learn how to identify the distinctive qualities of feeling tones, observe the different states of the mind and recognize our habitual reactive patterns. Developing a non-judgemental witnessing capacity will deepen our practice and expand our insight into “here-and-now”.

This talk was presented on Saturday, November 18th, 2023.

Further resources related to mindfulness of feeling tones and mind states can be found HERE.

Kristina Baré Sunday Dharma Talk: Connecting with Nature in Our Body and Environment Retreat

Kristina Baré presented this talk on Sunday, May 29th, 2022 as part of the Connecting with Nature in Our Body and Environment three day meditation retreat.

Mindfulness of the Body with Kristina Baré

The Four Foundations of Mindfulness: A three-part series with Kristina Baré. In the first session of the series, we will learn why the Buddha placed such a great importance on mindfulness to the body. According to the teaching, staying with the sensations of the body, experienced as they arise, moment by moment, offers a direct gateway to the “here-and-now”.

This talk was presented on Saturday, October 21st, 2023.

Further resources related to mindfulness of the body can be found HERE.